44 research outputs found

    Transformation rurale, paysage et conflit dans un village du Liban Sud, Sinay

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    Depuis 1950, les villages libanais ont subi des changements considérables dans leur structure. Au Liban Sud, les périodes de conflits, guerres et occupations ont contribué à donner au paysage sa forme actuelle. Les auteurs présentent une étude sociale et spatiale du village de Sinay situé dans cette région, et examinent le rôle que joue un conflit local dans la transformation de ce paysage. Ils utilisent une méthodologie mixte (ethnographie et cartographie) pour établir les liens entre ces transformations et les structures sociales, politiques et économiques. Le paysage a évolué d’un espace principalement agraire vers un espace multifonctionnel marqué par un étalement urbain et les usages multiples du sol. Ces transformations ont été façonnées par l’interaction entre les changements locaux, nationaux et régionaux.Since the 1950s, Lebanese villages have undergone dramatic changes in their structure. In South Lebanon, periods of conflict, war and occupation have contributed to giving the landscape its current form. We present a landscape study of the village of Sinay in South Lebanon, and analyse the role of local conflicts in the transformations we observe. We used mixed methodology (ethnography and cartography) to demonstrate the links between landscape transformations, social, political, and economic changes. The landscape has evolved from a predominantly agricultural space to a multifunctional one marked by urban extension and multiple land uses. Throughout these transformations are shaped by the interplay of changes at the local, national and regional levels

    Can Children with Autism Recover? If So, How?

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    Islamic law and the order of state

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    Goody lecture: the solace of the past in the unspeakable present: the historical anthropology of the 'Near East'

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    I shall begin by paying respect to the place Jack Goody accords the 'Near East' in his long argument against historical readings which pit the West against the East in Eurasia. Over the years Goody has written anthropological histories of the longue durée concerning institutions, technologies and substances but never wavered in his central opposition to this dichotomy. His output has been daunting. Yet arguments for fundamental difference flourish anew in institutional economics and history. I shall briefly describe both these ideological revivals and the formidable methodological difficulties that history of such a longue durée entails even for Goody. I shall then turn to what is not spoken about in present debates: recent agrarian history, and legal and administrative history, in the glaring light of the present

    On reading two epistles of Muhammad Amin Ibn ‘Abidin of Damascus

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    Ibn ‘Abidin’s Sharh al-risala al-musamma’ bi-‘uqud rasm al-mufti (‘A commentary on the epistle entitled Chaplets on the task of the mufti’) and Nashr al-‘arf fi bina’ ba‘d al-ahkam ‘ala’l-‘urf (‘The wafting of perfume concerning building some judgements on custom’) are both dated rabi‘ al-awwal 1243AH/1827CE. On a wider stage, the year belonged to a tumultuous period: in 1826 Istanbul witnessed the sanguinary abolition of the central Janissary corps by Sultan Mahmud II; in 1827 European power..

    La propriété dite mushâ' en Syrie : à propos des travaux de Ya'akov Firestone

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    Mundy Martha. La propriété dite mushâ' en Syrie : à propos des travaux de Ya'akov Firestone. In: Revue du monde musulman et de la Méditerranée, n°79-80, 1996. Biens communs, patrimoines collectifs et gestion comunautaire dans les sociétés musulmanes, sous la direction de Sylvie Denoix . pp. 273-287

    Ethics and politics in the law: on the forcible return of the cultivator

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